Too Scared to Leave, Too Painful to Stay

You've tried everything. You've seen counselors and therapists. You tried agreeing with your spouse. You tried ignoring your spouse. You tried arguing with your spouse. You tried to be the best partner you can be. But you are still miserable. You know that this marriage is not working. You know that your spouse is not the right person for you. You've spent years trying to fix, deny and ignore the problems.  You've done everything but leave. Why? Because you've been just too scared.

People stay in bad relationships and marriages longer than they should because they're scared. They're scared of

Being alone
Financial destitution
Retaliation from their spouse/partner for leaving
Going through the pain of separation and divorce
Putting their children through separation and divorce
And mostly, The Unknown.

It takes courage and a commitment to living your best life to leave a marriage. It takes a willingness to jump off the cliff (metaphorically speaking) and trust that you will land on your feet, all the while not knowing how far you will fall before reaching solid ground. It takes believing in yourself and knowing that you have what it takes to survive anything and thrive because of it. It takes a leap of faith when you don't believe in yourself and your future. And lastly, it simply takes taking that last step away from the cliff and allowing yourself to "fall."

There's no special trick in taking that last step into the unknown. It only takes you. No promises, no guarantees. It just takes that one moment when you say "Enough is enough; I'm done."  

What will it take for you to choose you? Who will you go to for support and guidance along the way? When will you decide that an unknown future is better than what you have today?

Your life is now. You choose.

If you or someone you know is scared to leave a marriage or committed relationship, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to help. I provide personalized guidance and coaching. And if you want to start right now, go and purchase The Pathway to Love at-home program. You don’t need to wait. You can begin the process today. Take advantage of the opportunity receive the support and guidance you deserve.

Be well,


Julie Orlov, psychotherapist, speaker, and author of The Pathway to Love: Create Intimacy and Transform Your Relationships through Self-Discovery

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Love and Relationship Q&A w’ Julie Orlov “My Wife is Always Suspicious and I’ve Never Been Unfaithful!”

Watch this Q&A session with Julie Orlov and learn what to do when the person you love always thinks you are cheating when you are not. Trust is complicated. Some people can find ways to convince themselves that their partner is cheating. Learn why this occurs and what you can do about.

This is fairly common in relationships at one stage or another. One partner can become concerned or even paranoid that the other is having an affair. It can be frustrating and difficult to contend with this when you are the partner being accused and are absolutely being 100% faithful. This lack of trust and constant vigilance over your partner’s behavior can lead to the destruction of the relationship.

Get a handle on this now before it destroys what you have. Watch the video at

And for those of you that prefer to read, here’s a summary of what you need to know.Just click on Read in Browser to access full article and video blog

Love and Relationship Q&A Video with Julie Orlov – “Why is my husband so critical of me?”

Get relationship help! Watch as Julie Orlov answers your questions on love and relationships. Today's questions addresses why your spouse is overly critical of you and what you can do about it. Just click on the read more in browser and it will take you there!

Get your questions answered by sending them in today at  or leave it on this blog's comment section. Your questions will be answered this Friday, March 22nd LIVE on “Pathways to Love w’ Julie Orlov” at 2:30pm PST on .  Or call in with your questions and comments during the show at 323-473-3100! Can’t catch it live? No worries—you can always watch the recorded show anytime at!

You can also view this video along with all my other videos on my Youtube channel at

How Does Fear Show Up in Your Relationships?

Fear can wreak havoc in your relationships. Most of us don’t identify our relationship difficulties as fear based. Instead, we assign blame for our relationship woes on such things as incompatibility, miscommunication, thoughtlessness, disrespect, controlling behaviors, cheating, insecurities, or simply bad timing. And while these issues are very real and need to be addressed, I believe that at the core of most relationship challenges is fear... Here are some things you can do to prevent your fear from wreaking havoc in your relationships...

Why Relationships Fail…

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