Love and Relationship Q&A – Julie Orlov – “Why do we argue about the same issue over and over again?”

Relationship Help! Watch and listen as Julie Orlov answers your questions on Love and Relationships. Today’s question is “Why do we argue about the same issue over and over again?” It is very common for couples to revisit issues. Unresolved issues lead to frustration, disconnect, and resignation. Find out why this is happening and what you can do to resolve your issues once and for all! Watch at

Love and Relationship Q&A Julie Orlov – “My Wife Can’t Keep a Job!”

Relationship Help! Get marital and relationship advice on how to deal with a spouse who doesn't keep her word in securing and maintaining employment. Watch as Julie Orlov answers your questions on couples in trouble. In today’s economy, it is not uncommon for couples to fight about money and employment. People are having more difficulty securing and maintaining employment and this results in a lot of fear, anxiety, and conflict. Learn how to approach this sensitive topic and ways to resolve the issues in your relationship.

Keep the Stuffing in the Turkey and Out of Your Family Gathering

It’s that time again—the beginning of the holiday season. I actually had another topic I was going to address this week in my blog but I succumbed to the pressure I felt (from whom or what, I’m not sure) to write about Thanksgiving. I guess it makes sense to do so as family gatherings provoke a lot of things for many people. For some, the annual get-togethers are something to look forward to—a means to connect and spend time with family. But for many, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a holiday season riddled with anxiety, trepidation, obligation, and conflict. So for those of you who look forward to breaking bread or a solid turkey drumstick, this article may not resonate. But for those that have any anticipatory anxiety about this coming Thursday or know someone who doesn’t jump for joy with the prospect of another family holiday gathering or lack thereof, please read on.

6 Steps to Settling Angry Outbursts

Debbie came to me complaining that her husband would lash out in anger without warning and she felt like she was no longer able to cope. She told me that she finds herself walking on egg shells, hoping that her next move will not trigger another meltdown. And while these outbursts did not happen every day or even every week, when they did, they caught her off guard and left her feeling devastated. She told me that her husband was a good man and would eventually apologize for his words—an apology that at this point holds little regard. Debbie doesn’t know what to do. She feels her marriage is fairly good with the exception of her husband’s issue with anger and looked to me for help.

6 Strategies to Alleviate the Effects of Money Problems on Your Relationship

Let’s face it—most people are feeling the effects of the economy. It might be as simple as your dollars don’t stretch as far as they did before or as severe as you or your spouse has been out of work for over a year. You might be arguing with your spouse over small purchases, or impulsively making big, unnecessary purchases to help alleviate your stress. You might be struggling with downsizing your lifestyle or feel embarrassed to let others know how much you’re financially stressed. There are real problems and challenges out there and if your marriage or relationship is affected by money or the lack thereof, then this article is for you. Here are 6 coping strategies to help alleviate the strain on your relationship.

Help, my spouse is an alcoholic!

A woman I’ll call Louise, wrote in with the following question: “Dear Julie, my husband is a high-functioning alcoholic and while he provides for us, I’ve lost faith that he’s going to quit. I don’t want to spend my life married to a drunk. When is it ok to leave?” If I were sitting down with Louise, this is what I would say to her. For those that want the shortened version, enjoy the video below.

Get Your Ego Out of the Way and Win

Our egos are very stubborn and they like to win. The ego wants to be right, wants to be special; the ego wants things the easy way, its way, or to finally find thee way. And while it is necessary to develop a strong ego in the first half of life, it is just as important to give up the ego in the second. Nature certainly has a sense of humor. It demands we get it, only to demand we lose it. So what does it mean to give up your ego? Does this mean that you no longer fight for what you think is right? Does it mean you no longer speak up and fight to get your needs met? Does it mean you have to give up and settle? No, but here is what you need to know about your ego.

Is There a Ghost Lurking In Your Relationship?

We all have past relationships, experiences and memories. No one comes into adulthood with a clean slate. And if you’re past the age of 25, you most likely have had at least one significant romantic relationship if not more. As you look back and reminisce on your past, you will find that some of those memories are sweet and some are sour. Life is filled with both. Your past is filled with both. The question is not if your past in lurking in your present relationship, but how.